Red Cross National Blood Donor Week - Save Lives

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Red Cross National Blood Donor Week - Save Lives — All Episodes
  • E1Life Can Change in a Sec
  • E2Recovery to Victory
  • E3National Blood Donor Week

For Red Cross’ annual campaign,  National Blood Donors Week, we’ve been privileged to capture stories from lives saved and impacted tremendously by blood donors.


Emily’s Story – Australian Red Cross (Extended Cut).00_02_13_12.Still011
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Emily had blood donors saved her life twice, during the birth of both her children.

After suffering an injury that threatened his life Tom Lonergan, former AFL player and National Blood Donor Week ambassador now considers his life a gift from blood donors.

Their heart wrenching stories were edited into different formats for different platforms for included  3-4 min short doco’s, advertisement content (including Qantas in-flight entertainment) as well as 15s Instagram teasers, 60s Facebook videos and other social media clips.

Red Cross National Blood Donor Week - Save Lives  - Life Can Change in a Sec

Life Can Change in a Sec

Tom Lonergan, former AFL player teamed up with RedCross as an ambassador to help celebrate the amazing work they do and thank donors for their continued support for 2018’s National Blood Donor Week.